Person-Centred Approach

Certificate Yes
Cost €80/day
Language English
Duration 5 Day course
Cities: Antalya
The course on "Person-Centred Approach" explores a humanistic approach to education and interpersonal relationships, emphasizing empathy, authenticity, and respect for individual autonomy. It aims to empower educators and practitioners to adopt person-centred methods in various professional settings.
This comprehensive course is tailored for educators, counselors, and professionals interested in enhancing their interpersonal skills and promoting a person-centred approach in their practice. Participants will delve into the theoretical foundations of person-centred therapy by Carl Rogers and explore practical applications in educational and therapeutic settings.
Learning Objectives
- Understand the principles and theoretical foundations of the person-centred approach.
- Develop empathetic listening and communication skills.
- Foster trust and create supportive environments for personal growth.
- Apply person-centred techniques to enhance teaching, counseling, and mentoring.
- Promote self-awareness and self-acceptance among learners and clients.
- Evaluate the effectiveness of person-centred practices in improving outcomes.
Methodology and Implementation
● Experiential Workshops: Role-plays and simulations to practice person-centred
● Reflective Exercises: Journaling and guided reflections on personal and professional
● Group Discussions: Collaborative learning and sharing of insights and experiences.
● Case Studies: Analysis of real-life scenarios and applications of person-centred
● Guest Speakers: Expert presentations on person-centred therapy and its
● Peer Learning: Feedback and support among participants to enhance learning
● Practical Applications: Hands-on activities to integrate person-centred methods into
daily practice.
Assessment Implementation
● Role-Playing Assessments: Performance evaluations in simulated person-centred
● Case Study Analysis: Application of person-centred principles to diverse scenarios.
● Self-Assessment: Reflections on personal growth and development of empathetic
● Skills Demonstrations: Practical demonstrations of person-centred techniques.
● Peer Feedback: Constructive feedback on interpersonal interactions and counseling
● Continuous Evaluation: Ongoing assessment of learning through interactive
● Final Project: Development of a person-centred action plan for professional practice.
Daily Programme
Day 1: Introduction to Person-Centred Approach
Morning Session:
- Welcome and Course Overview
- Theoretical Foundations of Person-Centred Therapy
Afternoon Session:
- Workshop: Building Empathetic Listening Skills
- Role-Playing Exercise: Practicing Active Listening Techniques
Day 2: Creating a Supportive Environment
Morning Session:
- Seminar: Creating Trust and Safety in Counseling
- Group Activity: Developing Empathy and Understanding
Afternoon Session:
- Case Study Analysis: Applying Person-Centred Approach to Counseling Scenarios
- Peer Feedback: Sharing Insights and Strategies for Effective Communication
Day 3: Enhancing Self-Awareness and Acceptance
Morning Session:
- Workshop: Promoting Self-Awareness and Reflection
- Reflective Exercises: Journaling on Personal and Professional Growth
Afternoon Session:
- Guest Speaker: Expert Insights on Client-Centred Practice
- Practical Application: Integrating Self-Acceptance Techniques into Counseling
Day 4: Practical Applications in Education
Morning Session:
- Seminar: Person-Centred Approach in Educational Settings
- Role-Playing Exercise: Applying Person-Centred Techniques to Teaching
Afternoon Session:
- Group Discussion: Challenges and Solutions in Implementing Person-Centred Education
- Skills Demonstration: Practical Application of Person-Centred Methods
Day 5: Integration and Reflection
Morning Session:
- Final Project Preparation: Developing a Person-Centred Action Plan
- Peer Review: Feedback Session on Action Plan Proposals
Afternoon Session:
- Final Presentations: Showcasing Person-Centred Approach Applications
- Closing Remarks: Certificates, Course Evaluation, and Continuing Professional Development